Yes, it was another kind of hot day again. But, there was something particularly special this Sunday actually.
You see, in front of the store, there was a giant half circle of green, white, and pink balloons which was visible from afar. And near the street, there was two big signs of "Yogurtland. Now Open." Very unusual day it was.
So, after another great meal at May Mei, we visited here again to see if there was anything special. Well, definitely, there was something special today. There was a camera display installed facing the cashier, and at the door there was a promo of a free tee if you bought 10 dollars worth of yogurt. Interesting.
Of course, we decided to sample some more flavors this time. For me, a new flavor that I never tested before was Cookies and Cream, which was well, very much like eating an chocolate cookie with the very sweet white frosting.
While we were sampling though, a Yogurtland employee came out to the pumping area, holding a Styrofoam cup. Now, why stryrofoam when there are paper cups? Anyway, she went to the machine pumping strawberry and cheesecake flavors, and pumped very beautiful swirls of the two flavors (separately) into her styrofoam cup. Swirls. Swirls. SWIRLS!!!
The thought goes by. And memory brings up this comment. Selba from Selby's Food Corner came to leave a comment on my Nubi Yogurt post last week, and she wrote:
..."Please remember to make a BIG swirl next time! ;)"
With that comment, I was determined to finally make nicer (and bigger) swirls. So, this time I limited myself to only 2 flavors. And no, this time, I didn't pick blueberry this time, after the incident from last time. It's interesting. I did send a email to Yogurtland on this, and they have never replied. Poor customer service. A big airline like Jetblue replied to me within 48 or less hours. Yogurtland? More than a week. Now now now...
But what did I pick? Pineapple tart and green tea. Both pretty good flavors. But alas, my pumping skills are still not up to par. Excuses excuses right? The employee pumped flavors that were pretty easy to make big swirls of. But the tart flavors though aren't that easy to make a nice swirl, as they are firmer when pumped out. And firmer gives you a higher chance of just having a straight line.
The finished product looked like this. Pineapple is to the left, and green tea was to the right. They were 2 nice swirls. But why is there like a stick looking top? I guess it is because I let go of the handle way too quickly, according to a friend of mine. Besides, the Yogurtland employee slowly put the lever back up when she was finished. There's always next time though :)
Anyway, this creation, with no toppings at all this time, was actually only 1.82, which didn't look like 6 ounces though. It looked much bigger than that. But... this time, there was again something different.
This photo shows the swirls better (or not, as it was taken outside). What's different? Look at that spoon! It isn't translucent anymore!
However, it is still very hard and not bendy. And actually, it's biodegradable, as said in the back of the spoon (other side of the side that says "Yogurtland"). Better for the environment? Probably. When will the spoon biodegrade? We don't know.
Each flavor anyway was delicious. The green tea was still like last time- very green tea like and not like the matcha green tea powder. But, I wish there was more of the flavor. It feels a bit too milky now. Pineapple tart was very firm, and was yogurt-y and milky with a slight pineapple tang. However, looking at the ingredients list, I don't find any ingredient that says "pineapple puree" or "pineapple juice". Instead, I only see "flavors". I'm getting suspicious. Again...
And I am also interested why Dutch chocolate has less calories than pineapple tart. Shouldn't that be the other way around???... mystery unsolved...
633 W. Duarte Rd
Arcadia, CA 91007

Sun - Thurs: 11 AM-11PM
Fri - Sat: 11 AM- Midnight
Read other posts:
Yogurtland Arcadia: Visit #4
Yogurtland Arcadia: Visit #2
Yogurtland: Arcadia
I don't think you would be able to get them now since the new ones are biodegradable (probably more environmentally friendly). There are many stores where you can get similar clear spoons though.