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EatTravelEat's Policies, Rules, and Things You Should Know

Review Policy:

1. All the reviews I write have been paid for (not for free) by friends, dining companions, and/or me. If the item/restaurant meal was free of charge, I will state so in my review.

2. Not all reviews are up to date to current circumstances. They are up to date to the last date of visit at the restaurant/last date of trying out the product. I will try to update posts if needed, but may not get around to it. Have an update? Please inform the audience in the respective post's comment section.

3. I try to be an objective reviewer, but please do be aware that these reviews do come from my opinion and perspective.

4. I do not believe in bashing a place; we all have differing preferences, and as a result, what one person may dislike, others may love. Critical reviews are written less often, unless a place is extremely horrible and people need to be informed about that aspect of a place. 

Commenting Rules:

As a commenter on this site, anything above PG rated material is not allowed, including your text and links you post in your comment. No spam or profanity are permitted either. Advertisement-like comments are also not appreciated. Anything that does not follow this policy will be deleted.

Please make comments relative to the posting, and please feel free to ask questions.

Screen Resolution:

The blog is best viewed on a resolution of 1200 pixels width or higher. On phones, the whole window will appear, but on smaller resolution screens, such as the 1024 by 768 pixel resolution or smaller, only part of the window will show, and scrolling to the right will allow you to view the posts in whole. I've fixed the part about the stuff being cut out so now you can use a small window, but you will now need to move left and right if you wish to see everything.
